
Showing posts from August, 2020

Disposable Land Sources and Collateral Murder. Understanding Foreign Policy over the Middle East through the lens of Orientalism and the Security Dilemma.

  Disposable Land Sources and Collateral Murder. Understanding foreign policy over the Middle East through the lens of Orientalism and the Security Dilemma.   Liam Miles  -  Eliska Duskova  Introduction   This Article will merge the Security Dilemma with Edward Said’s 1978 notion of Orientalism, as a method of explaining the rationale behind Western and Eastern Foreign Policy over the Middle East which as argued in this Article has seen the Middle East become a disposable land source for the advancement of Capitalism and Geopolitical Power and Control.    In its simplest form, the security dilemma is an embodiment of political science, which explains the dilemma between decisions taken by a state to strengthen its own security. These actions however, run the risk of provoking other or rival states to act, which in turn inevitably leads to a decrease in the original state of security for the original state, thus produ...